How to embed NavigAIS into the user's document

Copy and paste the following code in your HTML page:

Optional Parameters:

● Adjust the NavigAIS container dimensions [width:"100%" height:"500"] according to your needs.

● Modify the call to NavigAIS with the 4 optional parameters:

1a - map=[xxxx] (xxxx n. of the AIS map [1-1705]), for ex.:
(Open the map n. 1401 at the first inquiry location, Brigels)

1b - map=[str] (str is a string to search in the AIS index), for ex.:
(Open the first map open the first map whose index contains the string "botte" [barrel])

2a - point=[yyy] (yyy is the ID point [0=Legend, 1-990]), for ex.:
(Open the map n. 1434 at the locality n. 336 - Ponte nelle Alpi)

2b - point=[x,y] (x,y absolute coordinates of the point in px in the range x=[1-10000], y=[1-13000], for ex.:,6000
(Open the map n. 1329 centered on the point x=900, y=6000)

2c - point=[x,y,w,h] (x,y absolute coordinates of the left corner rectangle in px in the range x=[1-10000], y=[1-13000];
w width and h height of the rectangle in px in the range w=[1-10000], h=[1-13000], for ex.:,12700,440,140
(Open the map n. 1569 centered on the point x=6400, y=12700, and draw a blue rectangle 440x140 px to indicate a word moved off the map)

3a - loc=[location name] (location name is the inquiry location name, or part of the name).
(Open the map n. 547 centered on Teolo)

3b - loc=[cardinal direction] (nw/northwest, nh/north, ne/northeast, we/west, ce/center, et/east, sw/southwest, sh/south, se/southeast).
(Open the map n. 547 centered on the northwest quadrant)

4 -   zoom=[zoom factor] (0.1-40).,6000&zoom=10
(Open the map n. 1329 on the point x=2000, y=6000 with a zoom factor of 10x)